Monday, May 10, 2010

If I got married to a sunni Muslim in US, will my marriage be considered legally binding by US Law?

I'm not looking to get a US citizenship but concerned with the legality of it. Can I use it to register my marriage in my country of origin?If I got married to a sunni Muslim in US, will my marriage be considered legally binding by US Law?
The religion of a marriage actually matters very little in regards to law. What matters is that marriage certificate that you and the person conducting your marriage sign.If I got married to a sunni Muslim in US, will my marriage be considered legally binding by US Law?
As long as the person preforming the ceromony has the legal right to marry people and you are both legal age to marry without parental permission then you or her or him could be devoted mud worshipers. It doesnt matter what someones religion is only thing that matters is that the person preforming it has legal authority to do so.
when you get married it is a legal contract, not an religious one. Assuming your spouse is a legal alien, why shouldn't it be legal?

Unfortuanatlly, many illegal aliens have used marriage to an American citizen so they may stay in this coutnry.

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