I know power of attorney if you're in the hospital, but what else?What rights does your husband (or wife) have once you're married?
Lol. Mostly morbid stuff like:
-Power of attorney if you're unconscious, in a coma, or otherwise unable to answer or make a decision for yourself (i.e. insanity)
-Decisions over funeral/burial, etc.
There are some other things, like:
-Typically you get the rights to otherwise confidential information.
-As long as you have their SSN (which you should) you can open accounts on behalf of the two of you.
-The right to half your belongings (which shouldn't be considered YOUR belongings anymore -- there is no mine and yours, only ours.)
:)What rights does your husband (or wife) have once you're married?
Most of the rights have already been listed here, but one was forgotten -in the United States, married couples have Spousal Privilege, which means that if you are charged with a crime, your spouse can't be made to testify against you. Anything that you said to your husband or that your husband said to you is inadmissible as evidence in a court of law.
If your spouse dies or is incapacitated (in a coma, for example), you are the one who makes medical/ burial decisions for them UNLESS they've already made them themselves or have appointed someone else to do so. You can also file taxes jointly, which typically saves you money on your taxes.
Once you are married, your husband/wife becomes your ';next of kin';. But that is really it. You do not have the right to sign each others names or anything like that. You don't really have power of attorney. If your spouse is in the hospital, the doctor will ask you for permission for medical things, but it is not power of attorney. There aren't any ';rights'; I can think of. You can drive each others car? You can be on each others medical insurance?
Anyone can have Power of Attorney, all you do is appoint it. However, if there isn't a PoA in place, your spouse is your next of kin and would have legal rights as to medical procedures if you're not able to make the decisions yourself, like being in a coma.
As far as ';rights'; you have no technical rights, other than being a life partner. You can share money, or not... debt or not... etc... There is no slavery here.
They become your next of kin.
What type of what else are you asking about?
My husband does not have power of attorney over me if I'm in the hospital. As my next of kin he can consent to surgery if I'm incapacitated, but he only speaks for me if I'm not able to speak for myself. And if I don't want him to, I can appoint someone else.
They do not even have durable power of attorney for medical decisions, unless you give it to them in writing. If you live in a community property state, they own half of everything, but what rights are you referring to?
Pretty much everything if you think about it.
You have power of attorney of your spouse when it comes to Medical issues, Financial issues, when and how often you have sex...When you guys get married, 2become1...What is his is yours and what is yours is his.
Actually, not even that. Not legally. But most doctors and hospitals will accept that if the spouse is incapabile. Thinking people will give each other a Medical power of attorney.
Half of everything that you acquire during the marriage. I think that there is something specific here that you are looking for. You need to word your question to address the issue that you are having.
He has the right to cook and clean...and maybe every now and then, put the toilet seat down.
Unfortunately, he doesn't always exercise his rights...bummer.
Same rights as spouse.
He has the right to say I want
She has the right to say No
The right not to cheat. I am not sure.
The right to live by the Golden Rule - do unto others...
to not be cheated on
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