Sunday, January 17, 2010

After getting married, will I need the marriage license to legally change my name to my husband's surname?

My marriage license was done using my maiden name, but the Social Security website asks for legal paperwork (such as a marriage license) indicating the surname which I want to assume. Am I required to bring my license to the Social Security office when I submit paperwork? And will I have any problems since my marriage license list's my old last name? Any hints or advice would be appreciated!After getting married, will I need the marriage license to legally change my name to my husband's surname?
You have to take your marriage certificate (the official copy you get several days after your pastor turns the signed marriage license into the court house). You may have to go to the court house to get that copy. Yes, the marriage certificate will list your maiden name (it will say Jane Doe married John Smith on 01-01-10 or what ever), but it will also have your husband's last name next to his name. There will be a form to fill out that will ask you specifically what you want your name to be (Jane Smith, Jane Doe-Smith, etc.) and you just fill in the form and show them your drivers license and your marriage certificate and they will mail you a new social security card in like 8 weeks. In the mean time you can change your name on anything that doesn't require a social security card. Congratulations!After getting married, will I need the marriage license to legally change my name to my husband's surname?
Yes, you are required to bring the marriage certificate to the SS office in order for them to issue the name change. Not sure if the DMV is the same in every state but here in NC the SS computers are linked to the DMV computers so all you have to do is go over to the DMV office for a new picture and a new copy of your license with your new name.
Yes, as Kat H says, the marriage certificate itself should include a place where one would indicate whether one wanted to assume a new name or not. I remember being asked this, with my fiancee, when were in the courthouse. There is no separate form or process.
There should have been a space on the marriage form where you put the name you want to go by after you are married. So bring your certificate with you to the SS office and fill out the form. It's pretty easy.
Yes you need the paperwork. Your license is suppose to be in your old last name. That's who you were when you married. Its easier to get other stuff changed if you do your social first, than your drivers license then other stuff.
Yes... bring a copy of the marrage CERTIFICATE... not the license! A license is just a license to GET married, you need a marriage certificate to change your name.
Take your marriage certificate to the SS office to get your name changed. Then take the new card to the DMV to change your driver's license.


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