Sunday, January 17, 2010

When getting married, how do you deal with the lost of your parents?

It's been bitter sweet for me, but his family has been very loving and completely supportive. I just really miss my dad.He would of been thrilled for me.

Thanks for any advise you can give.When getting married, how do you deal with the lost of your parents?
Wow, I know what you are going through but from the perspective of the spouse. My wife lost her mother a year ago to cancer and it has been a struggle. she eventually had to go to counseling and is still having a tough time. The only advice I can give you is you make sure you have fully dealt with your grief and discuss with a counselor if needed. The loss of a parent can be very detrimental to your happiness and even interfere with your marriage and life in general. Just keep your dad in your thoughts and know that he would have loved to have been there and would want you to be happy. It sounds to me that you have a great relationship with your spouse and his parents and that will likely be a bond that will continue to grow. With their help, you can do this and be very happy. The wedding day will be tough but just remember that your father is looking down on you and is there in spirit. Good luck and God bless..When getting married, how do you deal with the lost of your parents?
It's great that you have loving and supportive in-laws , and the main thing is to take comfort in your new family.

A friend of mine lost her mother 3 months before her wedding due to cancer, she was devastated obviously. One thing that she did at her wedding was to carry a picture of her mother in her bouquet up the aisle, that way she felt her mother was present with her on her special day.
Both of my parents have passed on before I got married.

Before we married I took him to my parents graves and i introduced them to each other. I know it is wierd but it made me feel better. Now, when we are driving across town and we happen to pass the cemetary, I will hold up my ring finger and yell, look mom and dad, I am still married! I too know that they are thrilled that I finally found the right guy for my husband and that they are smiling.
remember you dad for how he was to you. embrace your new family. they are there to help you get through this loss. they aren't trying to replace your dad. no one can. but lean on your new family and your husband. if you really don't feel that you can lean on their support, seek some help from a professional who can help you get through this. it's great to have in-laws who truly love you and support you. no everyone has that kind of relationship! relish what you have!
If you want to memorialize your dad at the wedding you can do what a friend of mine did....She left a set open up front with a rose and in the wedding program mentioned that it is in honor of her father. It was very touching. Good Luck on your wedding day and I am sure your dad is smiling upon you!!!
I lost both parents...Dad 22 years ago and mom 7 years ago. They never saw my kids...However, I keep pictures of them in the house to remind me of them and the memories. The kids see those pictures and know a little about them. I believe that somehow they watch over me. My uncles and aunts sometimes visit me (from 3000 miles away) and say what you said...they would be thrilled for me to see how I live...and proud. Take Care
Is your dad gone or did he disown you? If not, I see no reason why you can't keep a relationship (even if long distance) with your father. All relationships take work.
Your father is with you all the time! Carry his picture in your bra or somewhere so that you can feel even more closer to him on this special day of yours.
Parents are always there in spirit %26amp; they would want you to enjoy yourself as if they were there. Both my are gone %26amp; they are in your heart always. Good Luck

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