Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why do Christians say it is so bad to have intercourse before you are married?

I don't get it. It's just a physical tool of pleasure and not something that will doom you forever. In %26amp; Out and done. What exactly is the reason?

I've had my fair share of friends with benefits and one-night deals. I still am a very happy man and so far lucifer hasn't pulled me down into the pits of hell yet.Why do Christians say it is so bad to have intercourse before you are married?
1. God's word says so.

2. Unwanted pregnancies. Many of these end in abortion.

3. Single parent families.

4. Sexually transmitted diseases.

5. When (or if) you finally get married, there will always be the mental comparison between your spouse and all of the others you have had sex with. It weakens the unique bond of the marriage relationship.

6. It creates a closeness with others with whom you have no intention of maintaining a lasting relationship. It hurts other people.

7. It turns relationships into just a physical thing. It focuses on lust instead of love. You desire the body, but show little care for the person.

8. It reduces men to act like mere animals with no self control, and just acting on physical desires.

Why do Christians say it is so bad to have intercourse before you are married?
It is because you become one with the person, so if they have problems they can be passed onto you. It can be spiritual, emotional, physical and mental. You may not have felt the effects of your sexual encounters yet, but it will catch up with you.
When you are a Christian your body is a holy temple. And you don't just go around lettin everybody in. Sex is something for married couples only. It's a spiritual thing as well as a fleshly thing.
If, for you, sex is ';In %26amp; Out and done'; I can see why you have a problem with it lol.


May I ask you, when you were a kid, why didn't you open all your Christmas presents on December 10? I mean, why wait?

Same reason :)
Its just their silly Christian superstition get used to it, they make up 80% of the population.
in, out and done?...Please remind me never to date you.

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