Opposite marriage is damaging to the individuals involved, as well as for our society. It is a sign of moral decline and lack of respect for God.
Ensign is wrong as well, yet you are comparing one person (as you try to make a point) with a lifestyle of many dysfunctional people. All men and women who cheat (JOHN EDWARDS- Wife dying from Cancer) have issues with their morals, just as those who make the CHOICE of opposite marriage. We all need to check ourselves, as none of us walk on water.What hurts traditional marriage more, two homosexuals getting married, or John Ensign (R-Nevada) cheating?
I think that ';traditional marriage'; hurts traditional marriage.
I think we forget that the idea is predicated on roles that men and women do not fill anymore. Men and women do not depend on each other the way they once did. We used to have ';A'; relationships. Where if one left the ';A'; would fall over and they Needed each other.
Today, men can ( and do) things that women once did and Women can ( and do) things that men once did. We have a culture of equals. It's like an ';H';. If you seperate an H, you have 2 ';I';'s. That can stand on their own.
Traditional marriage has a +50% failure rate, what could possibly make it any worse. How long would you keep a job if you succeeded less than half the time? Marriage is dead in the water. Like any institution it exists only so the church/state can own a pie$e of your life.
I had a 24-year relationship that was as real a ';marriage'; as any two people who stood uip in front of a priest ever had! We didn't even live together.
So much for a piece of paper. So much for empty words from lying mouths.
Have you ever been married? If you had, you would know that no one else's actions has any effect on your marriage. Only you and your wife can have any effect.
I know what point you're trying to make, but married couples don't care what anyone else does, if they are truly in love.
How can homosexuals getting married hurt my marriage? Where's the connection here? Unless they after my husband! It's mind boggling!
Neither of them harmed the institution of marriage as much as Barry(Marion) Spitzer Edwards Kilpatrick Mahoney, Tim(replaced Foley after morality crusade, then had affair) Kennedy Clinton...
All who cheat, gay or straight...all who engage in any kind of immoral behavior (homosexuality and sex outside of marriage..meaning straight people, as well). Does John Edwards ring a bell for you?
The only thing that jeopardizes a marriage are the two people involved. Other than that, folks should not concern themselves with what others do.
None, only you can hurt traditional marriage if you ad to the divorce rate.
According to you both harm traditional marriage. You're simply arguing that one does more harm than the other.
Of course you understand that, right?
neither. Try to remember that most Americans are against gay marriage.
homosexuals getting married.
A person who BREAKS their vows certainly cheapens marriage more than two people who WANT to get married.
about equal